Fine-Tune Your Plans
Explore ProjectionLab v2.7.0's new features for precision planning, including an enhanced way to define changes over time and a completely revamped milestone system.

ProjectionLab has always offered flexibility when creating plans, but two new features in v2.7.0 really kick things up a notch! ✨
Defining Changes Over Time
First up, you can now define how things change over time with a new level of precision. This includes income, expenses, asset values, growth on individual accounts, etc.
For instance, here’s a model of some ape JPEGs going to the 🌕 in 10 years! 🚀💎🙌 (/s)
But back in reality, here’s how you might test out the implications of a specific revenue forecast for a side hustle:
You can adjust points in the chart via click-and-drag or editing the table directly. There are multiple ways to model change over time, including % change per year, exact amount in actual/today’s currency, or % change beyond inflation per year.
This editor is accessible via the “Advanced” option in any Change Over Time form section, e.g.:
Overhauled Milestone System
On top of this, the milestone system has been overhauled:
You can add as many criteria as you want to each milestone, and connect them with logical operators to define precisely when you consider each milestone to be achieved.
There’s also a much broader set of metrics to choose from, including individual account/debt balances, savings rates, passive income, etc. And for aggregate metrics like achieving a multiple of total expenses or total debt, you have a set of controls to define how you want those computed:
Jump into the ProjectionLab app and start building flexible plans for your future! If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions to share, you can reach me at, or @scuba-kid on the ProjectionLab Discord Server.