How to switch subscription plan billing from monthly to yearly or lifetime?

On the Account Settings page, go to Subscription Plan > Change Plan.
This will show you all the options for which we’ve built an automated upgrade/side-grade process. If the plan you’d like to switch to isn’t one of the options shown, just let us know and we’ll be happy to help!
However, if you are currently in a free trial, Paddle’s API does not support switching plans when in the trialing state, so the Change Plan page will not yet be available. If that is the case, you can choose one of the following:
Option 1: Wait for your free trial to end, and then change plans afterwards. Upgrades and plan changes are automatically prorated based on your % of the way through the current billing cycle.
Option 2: Cancel your free trial, and then resubscribe to the plan you’d prefer. If you choose to cancel and resubscribe, it should not affect your saved data at all. But, it never hurts to export a backup copy to JSON first.